City of Jacksonville

Finance and Administration
About the Department

Anna BroscheAnna Brosche, CPA, MAcc
CFO, Director of Finance and Administration

The Finance and Administration Department ensures the City of Jacksonville handles its money wisely, efficiently and transparently by closely watching over revenue received (through taxes and fees, for example) and spent by the various departments and divisions as they provide services. The department also invests city funds not slated for immediate use, so they produce the best and safest possible returns and manages the debt portfolio to achieve the lowest cost of borrowing.

The Director of the Finance and Administration Department is also the city's Chief Financial Officer (CFO).

The department is supported by the following divisions:

The Accounting Division keeps track of revenue and expenses.
The Budget Division prepares budgets and publishes budget documents.
The Risk Management Division manages safety and insurance programs.
The Treasury Division controls the flow of money in and out of the city's accounts and oversees the City of Jacksonville Retirement System.
The Procurement Division oversees the bidding and purchasing process for everything the city buys, leases or rents.
The Fleet Management Division is responsible for motor vehicles and equipment owned or leased by the city and its independent agencies.
The Information Technologies Division supports technology needs for the City including applications, websites, networks, and telephones.
The Division of Grants and Contract Compliance (DGCC) works to obtain federal, state, and private funding to increase the City of Jacksonville's capacity and capability to provide services to residents.