City of Jacksonville


City Council as a Committee of the Whole - Police & Firefighter Pension Legislation

October 22, 2014 3:30 p.m.

City Hall

117 W. Duval St., 1st Floor

Council Chamber

Contact the Legislative Services Division at 630-1404 for additional information or correspondence.

As Council President and pursuant to Council Rule 2.105, The Honorable Clay Yarborough will meet with the Jacksonville City Council as a Committee of the Whole.  The meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 22, 2014, at 3:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers, 1st Floor, 117 W. Duval St., St. James Bldg., City Hall, to discuss 2014-386 amending Chapter 121 regarding the Police and Firefighter Pension Plan.

2014-386              ORD-MC Amend Chapt 121 (Police & Firefighters Pension Plan), by Amending & Creating Var Sections to Create a new Member Category known as "Group II Member" based on Date of Hire on or after 10/1/14; Revising Contribution Percentages of Existing Plan Members; Outlining Mutual Obligations of City & the Police & Fire Pension Fund Bd of Trustees; Outline Investment Authority of the Trustees, Outline Qualifications for future Executive Administrators of the Fund; Outline Fund's use of the Ofc of Gen Counsel; Outline Benefits to Group I and Group II Members; Estab Backdrop Prog of Benefits Extended to Group II Members; Amend Article 22 (Jacksonville Police & Fire Pension Bd of Trustees), City Charter; Apv the 2014 Retirement Reform Agreemt; Attach Required Actuarial Impact Statemt. (Laquidara) (Req of Mayor) (Sponsored by CM Holt & Co-Sponsored by C/M Brown & Daniels)


Council members should familiarize themselves with the legislation, make plans to attend the meeting, and be prepared to ask any questions they may have.


 Please mark your calendars accordingly.