City of Jacksonville


CANCELLED-City Council Special Meeting - Budget Legislation

September 29, 2014 3:30 p.m.

City Hall

117 W. Duval St., 1st Floor

Council Chamber

Contact: Legislative Services Division at (904) 630-1404

This meeting has been CANCELLED.

As Council President and pursuant to Council Rule 4.103, I am calling a Special Meeting of the Council to be held Monday, September 29, 2014 at 3:30 P.M..  The meeting will be held in the Council Chambers, 1st Floor, 117 W. Duval St., St. James Bldg., City Hall, to discuss the following:


Sustaining or overriding possible line item veto of Bill 2014-466-E


2014-466-E     ORD Approp Funds & Estab City of Jax, JEA, Jax Aviation Auth, JPA, JTA, Police & Fire Pension Fund & Downtown Vision Business Improvemt Dist, Budgets & Capital Improvemt Budget for 2014-2015 FY, Public Svc Grants, Capital Outlays, Carryovers, Fed Public Svc Grants, State & Fed Grant Progs; Employee Cap; Position Allocations & Temp Hrs, Projections of Gen Fund Rev & Expenditures, All Years Budget City Banking Fund, Septic Tank Failure Schedule, Capital Projs, Estab IT System Dev Plan & Budget; Provide for Auto Allowance Restrictions, Pension Contributions, Apv of Non-Ad Valorem Assessmts for Stormwater Mgmt & for Solid Waste Svcs & an Annual Hearing at City Council; Waive Secs 51.102, Ord Code, to fund Jax Children's Comm (JCC) as Provided herein; 106.219 Requiring Unit Cost & Svc Quality Measures; Chapt 126 as to SMG Procurement Policies; 129.102 re Council Members' Salaries; 10.105 re Postage & Communication Expenses of Council Members; 106.111 as to Guidelines & Parameters for Future Debt Issuance; 106.216(h) re Replacemt of Fleet Vehicles; 110.503, Useful Life of Projs Funded to allow Borrowing for Vehicles which are less than $50,000 in Value; 126.624 as to JSEB/MBE Funding Requiremts; Provide for JCC Comprehensive Budget Transfer Powers, Public Works Charge Back Limitations & for TDC to Administer Budget & Make Grants; Estab Municipal Purpose (Per Sec 106.203(b)), re Food & Beverage Purchasing; Provide for Limits on Pymts to JALA, Expenditures of Stormwater Fee for Time, Equipmt, Material & Personnel; 106.203(a) as to Budget Contents; Providing for Pymt to Shands Jacksonville of $28,775,594 for Indigent Care for 2014-2015; Provide for Review of Huguenot Park & Hanna Park Fees; Operations, Functions & Regulation of Jax Journey & its Oversight Comm; Incorporating Schedules. (Sidman) (Req of Mayor)


I am requesting that all council members attend this mandatory meeting. 


Please mark your calendars accordingly.