City of Jacksonville

Special Committee on Oversight of the Sports Development Events Fund

Background:  It has recently come to light that the City lost approximately $730,000 as a result of hosting the November basketball game, which was unfortunately cut short due to weather, that was played on board the USS Bataan and that the deficit was funded from the City's sports trust fund.  It has also come to light that these funds were expended outside the approval process mandated in the ordinance code.

The charge of the special committee is to review the circumstances surrounding this event, review the current ordinances and practices governing the use of the sports trust fund, and to make any appropriate recommendations for improved operational practices and / or changes to the ordinance code to insure that similar circumstances do not recur.


Final Report - Dated June 13, 2013


Committee Members

Matt Schellenberg - Chair

Richard A. Clark
Dr. Johnny A. Gaffney
Robin Lumb 

Contact Information

Office of the City Council
Legislative Services Division
117 W. Duval St., Suite 425
Jacksonville, FL  32202


Under Florida law, email addresses are public records.  If you do not want your email address published, do not send electronic mail to City Council Members or staff.  Instead, contact the City Council by phone or in writing.




Archived Meetings

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June 11, 2013

Meeting Cancelled
Cancellation Notice


May 28, 2013

City Hall - St. James Bldg.
Suite 425, Conference Room A
117 W. Duval Street
Notice | Minutes | Audio


May 14, 2013

City Hall - St. James Bldg.
Suite 425, Conference Room A
117 W. Duval Street
Notice | Minutes



April 23, 2013

City Hall - St. James Bldg.
Suite 425, Conference Room A
117 W. Duval Street
Minutes | Audio