Jacksonville Urban Forestry Stormwater Study Completed
May 15, 2019
The City of Jacksonville and Green Infrastructure Centered finished the comprehensive storm water study - Read Now
The goal of this study was to identify ways in which water
entering the city’s municipal separate storm sewer system
(MS4) could be reduced by using trees to intercept and soak
up runoff. In order to determine the tree canopy in the city,
satellite imagery was used to classify the types of land cover
in Jacksonville. The resulting land cover maps show the city
those areas where vegetative cover helps to uptake water
and those areas where impervious land cover is more likely
to result in stormwater runoff. High-resolution tree canopy
mapping provides a baseline to assess current tree cover and
to evaluate future progress in tree preservation and planting.
An ArcGIS geodatabase with all GIS shape files from the
study was provided to Jacksonville.

Full study located under Education