City of Jacksonville


Mayor Brown with Councilman Clark and Council President Joost

Mayor Brown Presents Reform Plan to City Council

November 08, 2011
Mayor Alvin Brown unveiled his reform plan for City Council’s review on Tuesday. The reform plan is an effort to streamline operations to deliver city services in the most efficient, effective manner possible.

The reform plan promotes economic development and quality of life by concentrating on cost-reductions and public-private partnerships that will boost value for taxpayers.

Some highlights, which are all subject to Council’s review:

  • City Hall may be taking stronger control of employee leave time, something that could cut down annual overtime costs.
  • A closer watch of the city fleet could cut down fuel costs while reducing wear-and-tear on vehicles.
  • Military Affairs would become a cabinet position, reporting directly to the mayor and an office of public-private partnership would be created to help generate outside funding for the city’s needs.
“To create a more prosperous future for our kids and grandkids, we must work together to change the way we do business,” Mayor Brown said during his Council address.

For more information on the reform plan, click here.