City of Jacksonville


Special Council Meeting| Re: 2022-800

October 26, 2022

Notice is hereby given that a Special Meeting of the Council will be held on Friday, November 4, 2022, in the Council Chamber, 1st Floor, City Hall, St. James Building, located at 117 West Duval Street, Jacksonville, Florida at 9:00 a.m. The purpose of this meeting is to address pending legislation 2022-800. During this meeting the Council will hear from the public.

2022-800:   ORD-MC re Redistricting of Jacksonville City Council Districts & Group At-Large Residence Areas; Adopting an Interim Remedial Plan Pursuant to the Order Dated 10/12/22, in Jacksonville Branch of the NAACP, et al. v. COJ, Case No. 3:22-CV-493-MMH-LLL, (M. D. FLA); Providing Legislative Findings & Recitals; Adopting & Enacting an Interim Remedial Plan re City Council Districts, City Council Group At-Large Residence Areas, & School Board Districts Based on the 2020 Census Data, Pending Final Approval by the Appropriate Court of Law; Amending the City Charter to Attach District Boundary Descriptions for 14 City Council District Boundaries & for 5 City Council Group At-Large Residence Area Boundaries Pursuant to Sec 5.01 (Council Membership, Residence Areas & Districts), City Charter, Pending Final Approval by the Appropriate Court of Law; Amending the City Charter to Designate the 7 School Board Districts Pursuant to Sec 13.02 (School Board Districts), City Charter, Pending Final Approval by the Appropriate Court of Law; Providing for an Index of Exhibits; Directing OGC to File the Interim Remedial Plan Consistent with the Court Order; Directing the Chief of Legislative Services to send a copy of this Legislation to Municode, Pending Final Approval by the Appropriate Court of Law; Req 1 Cycle Emergency Passage (Johnston) (Introduced by CP at Request of OGC)
10/25/22 CO Introduced: Spec Comm on Redistricting
Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & C.R. 3.601 – 11/4/22

All interested parties are invited to attend.

Please contact the Merriane Lahmeur, Chief of Legislative Services, at (904) 255-5122, or Margaret M. Sidman, Director/Council Secretary, at (904) 255-5133, for additional information or correspondence.

ADA Accommodation Notice:
Pursuant to the American with Disabilities Act, accommodations for persons with disabilities are available upon request. Please allow 1-2 business days' notification to process; last-minute requests will be accepted but may not be possible to fulfill. Please contact Disabled Services Division at: V (904) 255-5466, TTY (904) 255-5476, or email your request to