City of Jacksonville

Neighborhoods, Community Investments & Services Committee

The Committee shall consider matters relating to parks; recreation; public housing; affordable housing; farms; forestry; fish and game; zoo; Sister Cities program; Jacksonville Public Library; Parks, Recreation and Entertainment Department; Agriculture Department; Jacksonville Housing Commission; Jacksonville Housing Authority; Community Services Department; ad valorem property tax exemptions; historic preservation; community revitalization; Waterways Commission; vessels for hire; Urban Services Districts; the Neighborhoods Department; education and schools; Duval County School Board; literacy issues; higher education institutions and issues; veterans' issues; Jacksonville Children's Commission; child services; service quality improvement and pubic satisfaction with government services; and all related subjects. 

Committee Members

Scott Wilson - Chair

Reginald L. Brown - Vice Chair
Doyle Carter 
Garrett L. Dennis
Bill Gulliford
Joyce Morgan

Committee Staff

Jacksonville City Council
Legislative Services Division
117 W. Duval St., Suite 430
Jacksonville, FL  32202


Under Florida law, email addresses are public records.  If you do not want your email address published, do not send electronic mail to City Council Members or staff.  Instead, contact the City Council by phone or in writing.

Agenda Meeting Location / Time

First & Third Monday at 8:30 a.m.
City Hall - St. James Building
1st Floor - Lynwood Roberts Room
117 W. Duval Street
Web Calendar 

Committee Charge

Committee Meeting Location / Time

First & Third Monday at 9:00 a.m.
City Hall - St. James Building
1st Floor - Council Chamber
117 W. Duval Street
Web Calendar 

The Committee will adjourn no later than 11:15 a.m., regarding legislative matters, and reconvene immediately thereafter to consider special matters before the Committee, until no later than noon.

Committee Agendas


In Session Meetings

Please click the appropriate link below to view live streaming video of meetings, when in session, in the location listed: 


Past Meeting Archives

2017 Video Archive
2016 Video Archive