City of Jacksonville

Gender (optional):
Describe yourself within one or more of the categories. This information is requested pursuant to Section 760.80, Florida Statutes.:
Access the Statute online.

I am a U.S. citizen.:
Are you a registered voter in Florida:
Are you (or your spouse or child) employed by, or an officer of, an entity doing business with, or receiving funds from, the City of Jacksonville (including independent authorities)?:
Do you, your spouse, or your child own a business that is doing business with, or receiving funds from, the City of Jacksonville (including independent authorities)?:
Do you engage in any consulting or contract work with a business that is doing business with, or receiving funds from, the City of Jacksonville (including independent authorities)?:
Are you (your spouse or child) a member (voting or non-voting) of any nonprofit or corporate boards that are doing business with, or receiving funds from, the City of Jacksonville (including independent authorities)?: