
Groundsel Tree
Groundsel Tree
Tree of the month of December, 2021
December's Tree of the Month is Baccharis halimifolia, commonly called Groundsel tree or Salt Bush. This small tree/shrub is a very common, native plant that can be found in the coastal region of the Southeastern United States. It can be found on wetland sites around Jacksonville and is otherwise unnoticed until this time of year in winter when the showy, white clusters of flowers brilliantly bloom. The tree appears to be covered in salt or a 'Florida snow' for the holiday season. This small tree/shrub is not commonly used in landscaping and not offered in the City's planting program but does well is a variety of sites being tolerant of dry, wet, and salty soil conditions. This plant is known for being toxic to animals and should not be consumed. Keep and eye out this time of year for this tree around Jacksonville to see its amazing flowers and appreciate what beauty it brings to our landscape.
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