City of Jacksonville

Lot J


Meeting Information

Proposed Amendments


Council Staff

Jacksonville City Council
117 W. Duval St., Suite 430
Jacksonville, FL 32202

Phone:  (904) 255-5122


Air Rights Easement Agreement
Amendment Number 15 to Lease By & Between COJ & Jacksonville Jaguars, LLC
Defeasance Trust Agreement
Exhibit E - Sources and Resources 
Guaranty of Completion
Live! (Multi-Use Entertainment and Recreational Facility) Lease Agreement
Loan Agreement Terms & Conditions
Parcel One Development Agreement
Parking Agreement
Plaza Easement Agreement
Pledge and Collateral Agreement
Promissory Note

Letter from Council Member Carlucci to Jacksonville Citizens - Dated 1/6/2021
Council Auditor’s Office Summary of Proposed Material Amendments in Lot J Development Agreement - Received 1/5/2021
Council Auditor's Office Additional Recommended Clean-Up Amendments - Dated 1/4/2021
Council Auditor’s Office Summary of Proposed Material Amendments in Lot J Development Agreement - Received 12/11/2020
Council President Hazouri's Memorandum Regarding Lot J Legislation and Amendments Process for the Committee of the Whole Meeting on Thursday, January 7th, 2021 - Dated 12/10/2020
Council Auditor’s Office Summary of Proposed Material Amendments in Lot J Development Agreement - Received 12/9/2020
Final Lot J Auditor Presentation with Highlights - Received 12/7/2020
Council Auditor Kim Taylor Email Regarding Updated Agreements for 2020-648 Lot J - Dated 12/7/2020
Jaguars Chief Legal Officer Megha Parekh Email Correspondence Regarding Meeting with COJ/Council Auditor/Development Team - Dated 12/4/2020
Council Auditor Kim Taylor Email to Council President Hazouri & Council Members Regarding Lot J Development - Dated 12/4/2020
Attorney Paul Harden Letter to Council President Hazouri Regarding Lot J Development - Dated 12/4/2020
Downtown Investment Authority (DIA)​ Resources


ORD Making Certain Findings & Auth: (1) Borrowing up to an Addn’l Amt of $41,500,000 in Addition to Borrowing Authorized by Ord 2020-__ for the Lot J Development Project, to Provide Immediate Funding for Certain CIP Projects Throughout the City & (2) Appropriation of $41,500,000 of Borrowed Funds to Move up the Funding of & Provide Addn’l Funding for Certain Projects Included in the City’s 5 Yr 2021-2025 CIP; Revising Ord 2020-505-E, the City’s 5 Yr 2021-2025 CIP to Move up the Funding of & Provide Addn’l for Certain Projects Enumerated Herein; Requesting that the Finance & Administration Dept Administer the Borrowing Authorized Herein.(Johnston) (Introduced by CM Dennis) 10/13/20 CO Introduced: F Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 –10/27/20
ORD MC-Making Certain Findings & Auth the Borrowing from the City’s Commercial Paper Facility and/or Issuance of Fixed-Rate Debt in the Cumulative Amt of $208,300,000 & Approp. thereof to Provide Funding for the Proj., Purpose of Approp.; Amending the 2021-2025 5 Yr C.I.P. Apvd. by Ord. 2020-505-E to Provide Funding for the Proj. Entitle “Lot J Developmnt Infrastructure Improvements”; Amending 2020-504-E, the FY 2021 Budget  Ord., to Replace Schedule B4, the FY 2020-2021 C.I.P.’s Funded via Borrowing, to Auth the Borrowing  and/or the Issuance of Debt for the (Lot J Developmnt Infrastructure) Improvemnts; Auth the Mayor, or His Designee, & Corp. Secretary to Execute & Deliver: (1) a Developmnt  Agreemnt Among the City of Jax, the Downtown Investment Authority (“DIA”) & Jax I-C Parcel One Holding Co.,LLC (Inclusive of Affiliates or Subsidiaries, the “Developer”), which Agreemnt Provides for the Design, Construction, Ownership, Use, Mgmt, Operations, Costs & Financing for the Developmnt of What is Generally Known as the Lot J Surface Parking Lot to be Comprised of : (A) Approx. $77,700,000 in Infrastructure Improvemnts to be Funded & Owned by the City; (B) an Approx. $100,000,000 Live! District Entertainment Venues Comprised of Approx. 75,000 Sq. Ft. of Restaurants & Retail Space & Approx. 40,000 Sq. Ft. of Class A Office Space, with City Funding in the Max. up to, not to Exceed Amt. of $50,000,000; (C) Two Mid-Rise Residential Bldgs Comprised of Approx. 400 Units Cumulatively; (D) a Upscale Hotel with 150 to 250 Rooms; & (E) a Surface Parking Lot with Approx. 700 Spaces Constructed on the Storm Water Detention  Pond  to the West  of Lot J & Structured Parking an Addn’l Surface Spaces Totalling 700 Spaces; (2) a Lease btwn the Developer & the City for the Use, Mgmt & Operation of the Live! District by the Developer with an Initial Term of 35 Yrs with Four 10 yr Extension Terms; (3) a Parking Agreemnt for the Mgmt of Parking in the Proj. & the Surface Parking Lots M, N & P; (4) a Loan Agreemnt, Trust Agreemnt & Related Docs. for the Provision of a $65,500,000 Loan from the City to the Developer with a Max Loan Term of 50 Yrs Secured by a  Defeasance Trust; (5) Amendmnt Number 15 to the Lease (“Jaguars Lease”) Among the City of Jax, & Jax Jaguars,LLC (“JJL”) (Amendmnt No. 15) which Amendmnt No. 15 removes Parking Lot J From the Demised Premises under the Jaguars lease; (6) One or More Quitclaim Deeds & Related Closing Docs. Conveying the Approx. 9.24 Acre Lot J Surface Parking Lot Located at 1406 Gator Bowl Blvd. to the Developer at no Cost, Excluding the Live! Parcel & Public R/W Retained by the City;(7) Easement Agreements to Provide for: (A) An Air rights Easement to Support the Construction of an Elevated Walkway; & (B) an Easement to Provide Access to the Developer to Utilize the Live!Plaza to be Constructed as Part of the Infrastructure Improvements; & (8) Related Agreemnts & Docs. as Described in the Developmnt Agreemnt; Auth Approval of Technical Amendmnts by the Mayor or his Designee; Waiving Sec. 122.434 (Procedure for Disposition of Community Development Property),Subpart C (Community Redevelopmnt Real Property Dispositions ), Pt. 4 (Real Property), Chapt. 122 (Public Property),Ord. Code, to Allow the Administration to Publish & Evaluate Notices & Responses in Accordance with Sec. 163.380, F.S.; Waiving Conflicting Provisions of Chapt. 500 (Community Developmnt-Policies & Procedures), Ord. Code, to Allow City Council to Approve the Legislation & Auth. the Agreemnt; Waiving Provisions of Secs. 55.108 (2), (4), (8), (9), (10), (14) & (20) (Powers & Duties), Chapt. 55 (Downtown Investmnt Authority), Ord. code, to Allow City council to Exercise those Powers for the Agreemnts & Functions of the Legislation; Waiving Sec. 55.115 (Procedures for Acquistion & Disposition of Downtown property), Chapt. 55 (Downtown Investmnt Authority),Ord. Code,to Allow for Disposition of Property to be Apvd. by Action of this legislation; Waiving Sec. 55.116 (Public Parking), Chapt. 55 (Downtown Investmnt Authority), Ord. Code, to Allow Approval of the Parking Agreemnt; Waiving Provisions of Chapt. 126, (Procurement Code), Ord. Code, with Respect to the Project, & to Allow the City to Directly Purchase Certain items Specified in the Developmnt Agreemnt; Invoking the Exception to Chapt. 126.107 (G), to Allow the City to Directly Contract with Vendors for the Purchase of Materials as Necessary for the Infrastructure Improvemnts to be Owned by the City; Establishing requirements for Items to be Purchased; Providing a Statement of Intent to Comply with Treasury regulations; Amending Chapt. 191 (Special Events & Entertainment District), Pt. 1 (Special Events), Sec. 191.103 (Special Event Permit Required), Ord. Code, to Allow for Events at the Live! District Without Requiring Special Events Permits, Subject to Compliance with Public Safety Standards & other Requirements; Amending Chapt. 154 (Alcoholic Beverages), Pt. 1 (In General), Sec. 154.107 (Sale & Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages in Municipal Parks or on City-Owned or Leased Property; Penalty), Ord. Code, to Allow for the Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages on City Owned Property; Authorizing a Market Rate Recapture Enhanced Value (REV) Grant not to Exceed $12,500,000 in Connection with the Residential Component of the Proj.; Authorizing a $12,500,000 Completion Grant Payable in Equal Installments Over a 5 Yr Term Upon Completion of the Hotel Component of the Proj.; Oversight of the Construction Proj. by the Dept. of Public Works & the Chief Admin. Officer of the City; Oversight of the Agreemnts by the Sports & Entertainment Office. (Dist. 7-R.Gaffney) (B.T. 21-014) (Sawyer) (Req. of Mayor) 10/27/20 CO Introduced: Committee of the Whole Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 –11/10/20
ORD Approp $26,500.00 from Special Events – FL GA Game Contingency to Provide Funding to Robert Charles Lesser & Co., LLC (“RCLCO”) for Lot J Consulting & Related Professional Svcs; Auth the Mayor, or His Designee, & the Corp Secretary to Execute an Agreemnt btwn the City of Jax & RCLCO for Strategic Review & Analysis of the Lot J Dev Proj; Invoking the Exception of Sec 126.107(G) (Exemptions), Part 1 (General Regulations), Chapt 126 (Procurement Code), Ord Code, to Allow for a Direct Contract with RCLCO; Waiving Sec 110.112 (Advance of City Funds; Prohibition Against), Part 1 (The City Treasury), Chapt 110 (City Treasury), Ord Code, to Allow for a Partial Advance Paymnt by the City; Requesting Emergency Passage Upon Introduction; Requesting the Mayor Expedite Signature of this Legislation & Related Contract to Afford Time for RCLCO to Review the Lot J Dev Proj; Providing for Oversight by the Office of the Council Secretary. (Sidman) (Introduced by CM Carlucci and DeFoor) 
RESO Directing the Downtown Investment Authority (“DIA”) to Review & Analyze Pending Ord 2020-648, the Lot J Legislation, & all Associated Contracts, Documnts & Exhibits Previously Provided to the City Council & the Council Auditor’s Office Concerning the Proj Entitled “Lot J” & Forward to the City Council a Resolution with a Recommendation on the Proj Prior to Final Action of the City Council; Req Emergency Action Upon Introduction. (Sidman) (Introduced by CM Cumber) 11/24/20 CO Introduced: NCSPHS, F, R 11/24/20 CO Emergency/Approved 15-4 (Dennis, Morgan, Priestly Jackson, Carlucci)
RESO Requesting the Downtown Investment Authority (“DIA”) to Perform Powers & Duties Required by Chapt. 55, Ord. Code, Concerning the Proj. Entitled Lot J; Directing the DIA to Review, Analyze & Negotiate the Contracts on File with ord. 2020-648; Requesting DIA to Review the Lot J Plan with all the Developer’s Proposed Financial Information; Requesting that the City Designate the Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”) of the DIA or his or her Designee to be the Proj. Coordinator for the Lot J Proj; Providing for DIA Approval; Providing DIA Time to Review; Providing for Report of Findings to Council from DIA, as well as Filing of Applicable Legislation, Upon Completion of a Review of the Lot J Project, Including Review of the Rev Grant, with the Overall Marketing Plan for Downtown; Req Emergency Action Upon Introduction. (Sidman) ( Introduced by CM Carlucci)

 Proposed Amendments

Cumber & Becton Amendment #1 - Received 12/3/2020

Diamond Amendment #1 - Received 12/3/2020

Hazouri & DeFoor Amendment #1 - Received 12/3/2020


Meeting Information

ADA Accommodation Notice

Pursuant to the American with Disabilities Act, accommodations for persons with disabilities are available upon request. Please allow 1-2 business days notification to process; last minute requests will be accepted; but may not be possible to fulfill. Please contact Disabled Services Division at: V 904-255-5466, TTY-904-255-5476, or email your request to

In Session Meetings

Please click the appropriate link below to view live streaming video of meetings in session. 

Archived Meetings

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January 12, 2021

City Council Meeting 
Hybrid Virtual/In-Person Meeting
City Hall - St. James Bldg.
Council Chamber
117 W. Duval Street
Jacksonville, FL, 32202
Notice | Agenda | Minutes | Video

January 7, 2021

City Council Committee of the Whole Meeting 
Hybrid Virtual/In-Person Meeting
City Hall - St. James Bldg.
Council Chamber
117 W. Duval Street
Jacksonville, FL, 32202
Notice | Agenda | Minutes | Emailed Public Comments | Video 

December 30, 2020

District 7 Press Conference
Front of City Hall
117 W. Duval Street
Jacksonville, FL, 32202

December 11, 2020

Council Member Public Meeting 
Hybrid Virtual/In-Person Meeting
City Hall - St. James Bldg.
Lynwood Roberts Room
117 W. Duval Street
Jacksonville, FL, 32202
Notice | Agenda | Minutes | Video

December 8, 2020

Council Member Public Meeting 
Hybrid Virtual/In-Person Meeting
City Hall - St. James Bldg.
Lynwood Roberts Room
117 W. Duval Street
Jacksonville, FL, 32202
Notice | Agenda | Video

December 3, 2020

TWICE-AMENDED | City Council Committee of the Whole Meeting 
Hybrid Virtual/In-Person Meeting
City Hall - St. James Bldg.
Council Chamber
117 W. Duval Street
Jacksonville, FL, 32202
Notice | Agenda | Minutes | Video 

TWICE-AMENDED | Council Member Public Meeting 
Hybrid Virtual/In-Person Meeting
City Hall - St. James Bldg.
Lynwood Roberts Room
117 W. Duval Street
Jacksonville, FL, 32202
Notice | Minutes | Video

December 2, 2020

Downtown Investment Authority Board – Special Meeting
Hybrid Virtual/In-Person Meeting
Jacksonville Public Library-Main Library/Downtown
Multipurpose Room (located in the Conference Center)
303 North Laura Street
Jacksonville, Florida 32202
Notice | Agenda

November 24, 2020

City Council Meeting 
Hybrid Virtual/In-Person Meeting
City Hall - St. James Bldg.
Council Chamber
117 W. Duval Street
Jacksonville, FL, 32202
Notice | Agenda | Minutes | Video

Council Member Public Meeting 
Hybrid Virtual/In-Person Meeting
City Hall - St. James Bldg.
Council Chamber
117 W. Duval Street
Jacksonville, FL, 32202
Notice | Agenda | Minutes | Video

AMENDED | Council Member Public Meeting 
Hybrid Virtual/In-Person Meeting
City Hall - St. James Bldg.
Lynwood Roberts Room
117 W. Duval Street
Jacksonville, FL, 32202
Notice | Agenda | Minutes | Video

November 19, 2020

AMENDED | City Council Committee of the Whole Meeting 
Hybrid Virtual/In-Person Meeting
City Hall - St. James Bldg.
Council Chamber
117 W. Duval Street
Jacksonville, FL, 32202
Notice | Agenda | Minutes | Video

November 18, 2020

District 5 Town Hall Meeting (Not Noticed)
Virtual & In-Person Meeting

November 12, 2020

AMENDED | District 7 Town Hall Meeting 
Online Meeting
Notice | Video

November 10, 2020

CANCELLED | Council Member Public Meeting 
Online Meeting
Cancellation Notice

CANCELLED | City Council Meeting 
Hybrid Virtual/In-Person Meeting
City Hall - St. James Bldg.
Council Chamber
117 W. Duval Street
Jacksonville, FL, 32202
Cancellation Notice | CP Hazouri's Memorandum Regarding City Council Mtg November 10, 2020 Cancellation Notice | Agenda 

November 9, 2020

CANCELLED | Council Member Public Meeting 
Online Meeting
Cancellation Notice

November 5, 2020

AMENDED | City Council Committee of the Whole Meeting 
Hybrid Virtual/In-Person Meeting
City Hall - St. James Bldg.
Council Chamber
117 W. Duval Street
Jacksonville, FL, 32202
Notice | Agenda | Minutes | Video

October 29, 2020

Council Member Public Meeting 
Online Meeting
Notice | Agenda | Minutes | Video

October 14, 2020

CANCELLED | Council Member Public Meeting 
Online Meeting