City of Jacksonville


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Small Business Saturday - "Shop Small"

November 30, 2013
It’s a day that where people are encouraged to simply “Shop Local!”

Small Business Saturday is taking place on November 30th
Since it was created by American Express back in 2010, it has become one of the busiest shopping days of the year.  According to the National Federation of Independent Business, last year consumers spent an estimated $5.5 billion at locally owned stores and restaurants on Small Business Saturday. 

The Jacksonville Small and Emerging Business (JSEB) office wants to tell you how you can get involved. 

The link  will lead you to resources that can help your business participate in this year’s event.  It offers everything from free marketing materials to other tools that could personalize your craft and promote your business. 

And if you want to sit this year out, you can also find a list of local participating businesses that you can support!