City of Jacksonville

Photo of Council Member Garrett Dennis, District 9.

Councilman Garrett Dennis Introduces Legislation to Provide Immediate Quality of Life Funding

October 07, 2020
October 7, 2020 Jacksonville, Fla. – Following the announcement of the City of Jacksonville borrowing $208.3 million for Lot J, Councilman Dennis has introduced legislation to borrow an additional $41.5 million to fund Capital Improvement Projects in all 14 council districts.
“While I believe in investing in a vibrant downtown, the needs of all citizens throughout Jacksonville are just as great, if not greater. This legislation would immediately fund projects to make much-needed infrastructure improvements and increase the quality of life for citizens in every corner of Jacksonville. This funding will also address septic tank phase-outs, which is a significant need in our community,” Dennis said.

Media Release | Council Member Dennis Proposed Ordinance | Exhibit 1 | Exhibit 2

Click here for more information about Council Member Garrett Dennis.